Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Newborn Portraits

I love photographing babies. I recently created these newborn portraits and had such fun doing so.

I'm always honoured when families approach me to create these precious memories!
This little girl was such a character. My "signature image", as I call it, is a classic foetal (yes, Aussie spelling) position on a towel. This little girl absolutely refused to tuck her knees up under her tummy! The mother thought it was hillarious! We got the images in the end. Babies will sleep through just about anything!

Enjoy these couple of images.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Welcome to my Blog!

Ok so this is a first for me. I've never done a blog before so this should be an interesting exercise!

I'm now back in the hotseat after taking a 6 month break to have my second child. I'm really excited to start photographing again!

My goals for this year: Get Certified! PPA (Professional Photographers of America) offers an intensive certification course, at the end of which, you become a Certified Professional Photographer. It's like attaining a degree. The examination consists of two parts: a written exam and submission of images to a panel of judges for review.

Another goal of mine is to work on a personal project, "a day in the life". For this project, I want to photograph families at home doing what they do during a normal day. Obviously, I won't spent an entire day with them but the aim is to capture them at play, kids helping mum with the gardening, washing the car with dad, cooking dinner, etc. It's a very photojournalistic approach.

So there it is; my first blog. Till the next one...!